Marie Artaker

Marie Artaker lives in Vienna, where she works as a book designer in arts and culture. Her conceptual approach is based on research and a close collaboration with artists, curators and editors. In viewing the book as exhibition space, her practice focuses on creating reading experiences that aim to offer enticing paths to access texts and interpret images.
Next to a strong interest in forms of practice-based research and the archive and library as curatorial spaces, her academic research revolves around unruly formats that challenge mediation and categorisation, such as the note(book), distinguished by its preliminary, yet documented form.
Her book designs have been awarded several times in the competition for Austria’s most beautiful books. In 2016 she received the studio grant from the Andreas Züst Library (Oberegg, Switzerland) together with Margherita Huntley, and in 2014 the STARTStipendium for Architecture and Design from the Federal Ministry of Culture, Austria.

Ongoing collaborations with:
Alexandra Möllner (book design and collaborative practices),
Florian Regl (image editing),
Dominik Wiedenski (multidisciplinary design)


— “I’m afraid I told a lie on pp. 12–13,” in: Martina Griesser-Stermscheg, Christine Haupt-Stummer, Renate Höllwart, Beatrice Jaschke, Monika Sommer, Nora Sternfeld and Luisa Ziaja, Widersprüche. Kuratorisch handeln zwischen Theorie und Praxis, Edition Angewandte, 2023, pp. 187–190


Workshops and talks:
“Archiv der Vermittlung. Das Unarchivierbare aktualisieren”
Depot – Kunst und Diskussion, Vienna
Kick-off event for the online archive together with: Renate Höllwart, Beatrice Jaschke, Nora Sternfeld and
Julia Stolba

“/ecm Master Thesis Onlinearchiv”
University of Applied Arts Vienna
Workshop with students from the Master’s programme in Exhibition Theory and Practice

“/ecm Master Thesis Onlinearchiv”
University of Applied Arts Vienna
Guest lecture

Community College, Kunsthalle Wien
Banner workshop in the frame of the public program of the exhibition “How to Live Together”
Together with: Armin Autz / Christopher Wurmdobler (H.A.P.P.Y), Katharina Stadlbauer


“What is Curatorial Research?
On Defining and Undefining...
Between and Beyond Theory and Practice”

MA Thesis in educating/curating/managing
University of Applied Arts Vienna

— “From Mnemosyne to RFID Tags.
Organisational Forms in Physical Spaces of Research that Encourage Associative Thought and Embrace Serendipity”
BA Thesis in Graphic Design
Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London



Marie Artaker
Schiffamtsgasse 10/17, 1020 Vienna

UID ATU63227145


© Marie Artaker, 2022
Design Website: Anna Zimmermann