Marie Artaker


Michael Höpfner. Durchwanderte Kreisläufe
Walking Through the Cycles
Cicili Attaversati

  • Editor(s): Chistian Bauer, Günther Oberhollenzer
  • Publisher: Verlag der Provinz
  • Year: 2019
  • Size: 19.5 × 25.5 cm
  • Number of pages: 128

Artists’ book published on the occasion of the exhibition “Michael Höpfner. Durchwanderte Kreisläufe” at Landesgalerie Niederösterreich, October 2019 to May 2020.

With texts by Lorenzo Giusti, Michael Höpfner and Günther Oberhollenzer.

Höpfner’s artistic practice is based on long journeys through deserts and steppes, which he experiences entirely on foot. Working predominantly with black and white photography, delicate pencil or graphite drawings and handwritten notes, he creates subjective topographies of inner and outer surroundings.

The design typographically and architecturally explores the space of the book. The pagination travels from top to bottom and left to right of the page, referencing coordinates of a map, the numbering on negatives, as well as alluding to seemingly incomplete cartographic references in Höpfner’s work. The tangibility of the book is accentuated through two sections with shorter pages that divide the catalogue into three parts. The structure is already visible on the book’s cut-edge, when holding the closed book.

Studio photography by Sophie Pölzl

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